A revolutionary concept of postural T-Shirt
The T-Shirt improves the conditions resulting from poor posture and helps lung function, significantly reducing general fatigue in the human body.
The Problem – Posture
Numerous scientific studies show that postural alterations are a risk factor in Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs).
Among them, back pain and spinal disorders are the main causes of limited ability to perform daily activities, and are closely related to reduced productivity and absence from work. They are also associated with an increased risk of long-term disability and chronic diseases.
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work estimates that 24.7% of workers are absent from work due to MSDs.
Several studies show that sitting or standing for long periods of time in incorrect positions can cause back conditions such as thoracic hypercophosis, lumbar lordosis, and rounded shoulders, thus increasing the risk of back pain and lower back discomfort. To prevent such disorders, it is important to maintain correct posture and practice specific exercises for the back and the abdominals.
The Idea – Posture Shirt
A posture shirt stimulates the body to maintain a correct, upright and open posture. It acts as a "reminder" while wearing it, due to its configuration.
POSTURE Reminder T-shirt is designed and made with thin and light fibres to promote breathability. It has a zipper so that it can be easily worn even if you have arm pain, and the short sleeves and V-neckline will go unnoticed under your clothes. It incorporates elastic bands developed by following the design of the muscle map, creating tension zones to support muscles and joints and promote correct posture without rigid constraints.
Used consistently during daily activities, the shirt helps develop greater posture awareness and naturally align your shoulders and back.
Study Protocol – Efficacy Testing
Study protocol approved by Professors and Doctors of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: test performed on a panel of 30 volunteers.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the corrective effects of the POSTURE Reminder T-shirt on the posture of the back, using the Kinect V2 depth sensor and ADiBAS software, which are tools that can measure changes in distances, body angles, and curvatures of the spine.
Statistical tests used
- The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test to check the normality of the distribution of variables.
- Averages and standard deviations of all anthropometric and isokinetic variables to show their dispersion.
- Comparisons of averages between different measurements made on the same group by Student T-test for paired samples.
Request detailed information regarding the tests on POSTURE Reminder T-shirt performed in the laboratory.
Established scientific evidence
In conclusion, the POSTURE Reminder T-Shirt resulted in the correction of several postural parameters in both frontal and sagittal planes: in fact, significant improvement was shown on the parameters chest opening and scapula retraction with a decrease in the deviation of the whole body alignment and thoracic curvature, and an increase in standing height.
Specifically, variable stresses within the tensor bands provide conscious and unconscious postural signals that helped restore alignment of the spine and scapular girdle. These bands provide tension on the anterior region of the shoulder and thoracic spine, thereby encouraging the retraction and plating of the shoulder blades.